AxsunOCTControl_LW 2.0.0
A light-weight & cross-platform alternative to the .NET-based AxsunOCTControl.dll.
No Matches
Deprecated List
Global axGetLWBuildDateTime (char *datetime_str)
This function may be removed in future versions. Use the safer alternative axLWBuildDateTime().
Global axSetFPGAWindowFunction (AxChannelMode channel, const float *window_real, const float *window_imag, uint32_t window_length, uint32_t which_DAQ)
This function may be removed in future versions. Use the alternative axSetFPGAWindowFunc().
Global axSetSweepTriggerSource (AxEdgeSource source, uint32_t which_DAQ)
This function may be removed in future versions. Use the alternative axSetSwpTrigSrcAndEdge().